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Dragon Age: Origins – Part I: A Tale of Two Versions November 13, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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I know I haven’t updated in a while, but I went on an extensive sidetrack away from game-related things. While I did fiddle around with some games for a bit, I didn’t really accomplish anything. I knocked out some levels in Scribblenauts, got to Silvalant in Star Ocean, and went pretty much nowhere in Demon’s Souls.  Oh, and I made more progress on Ultimate Alliance 2, now that the new DLC is out. But that will be its own post.

But the real purpose of this post is to discuss Dragon Age: Origins. I had pre-ordered the PS3 collector’s edition from Amazon months ago, and it finally arrived this week. After a fairly lengthy round of installing and inputting content codes, I was taking my first plunge into the world of Ferelden.

Or not. In reality, I spent the next long time in the character creator. It is a very, very sexy thing. I’ve only spent that much time in a character creator once twice before—in Star Wars Galaxies and City of Heroes. Putting some serious time into designing a character in an offline game is a somewhat new experience for me. I was amazed at the various options and depth of customization. And the kicker is that you can only actually customize your character’s face (and hairstyle, voice, and portrait, but meh). There’s no body customization. It’s an interesting choice, but probably for the best. I’d likely still be sitting there if body customization was available.

I ended up creating an Elven mage (typical, I know—but this one was really based off of my WoW character, so….) and running through that origin story. The origin section alone took several hours, and had a lot of dialogue trees. The dialogue in Dragon Age is amazingly well-acted, and the lips sync up well with it. It’s a small thing, but it helps bring the characters to life. And even early on there are some interesting lines you can pick. There is some odd shadowing and shimmering on character models during conversations on the PS3, but nothing major. Movement and conversation work well.

And then there’s combat. Combat works well enough if one is soloing (which is the case for the first couple of dungeons in the origin), but the interface really starts to get clunky when the combats get larger, as I found out in the third dungeon of the origin. By that time I had a cone of fire that I could spew, and would have killed my compatriots several times over had I been playing on a difficulty higher than normal. The limitation of only having 6 abilities hotkeyed at quickly becomes an issue, as well as only being able to pause combat by opening up the radial menu. The game is screaming for tactical combat, which the PS3 version does not deliver. It’s fun for what it does, but it’s easy to see that the designers had more in mind.

The menu interface also leaves something to be desired on the console. In order to compare equipment in your inventory with equipment that you’re wearing, you have to highlight the equipment and hit a button. This brings up two big boxes with equipment details, covering pretty much all the screen. You can scroll through your inventory in this view, but you can’t actually see what you’re doing. It’s mildly annoying. The codex interface is a bit more annoying. The quests and codex entries are just linear lists that take a lot of scrolling to get through. It’s also easy to close a section you wanted open, and to open a section you want closed on accident. Overall, the menu system, like the battle interface, is functional but not optimal.

I did make it up to the Tower of Ishar in Ostagar in my first evening. I had planned to make the ascent and light the beacon last night. Despite interface annoyances, the game really dragged me in. Three hours passed unnoticed, followed by a couple more. Dragon Age really is addictive.

But wait, there’s more!

After airing my grievances with the PS3 version with a couple of friends who own the PC version, I looked into that version more in-depth. It appeared that none of the issues I had with the PS3 version were present in the PC release, and the interface was actually *gasp* intuitive! After much hemming and hawing, I decided to but the PC version. I installed it (15+GB? WTF!) and quickly recreated my character. The PC version has a couple more sliders in the character creation area, including the ability to tweak the character portrait’s expression. Nothing major, but cool nonetheless.

I had to run through the origin again, but it really wasn’t as tedious as I thought it might be. Even running the same content again a day later, the game was still totally engrossing. I think part of that may have been the actually logical and intuitive interface this time around. The quick pause feature alone is worth it. The tweakable camera angles are also great. There are a few more tutorial tips in the PC version because of the new interface, but nothing major.

The interface isn’t the only place the PC version differs from the PS3 release, however. The loot appears to be different in the PC version (and a bit less to boot). Running through the Harrowing went quickly enough. The dialogue options were exactly the same, and the controls were easier to use (duh).

I popped out of the Harrowing, and ran around the tower with no hint of the framerate hiccups present in the PS3 version. Yay! Though, in my explorations I noticed that bookcases no longer sparkle like chests and crates if they have loot. That is very good to know. Some other things also fail to sparkle, so it pays to be more observant in this version, as well. With the mouse and camera control, though, it’s really pretty simple. Things that you can poke still glow blue when you mouse over them.

My next real eye-opener was the spider-infested store-room tunnels. Now, I am running the game at maxed-out graphical settings, but DAMN does this place look good. Total night and day versus the console. Once again, navigation was simple, auto-pausing upon entering combat was great, as was the occasional manual pause. This (mini) dungeon was much more fun this time around. I was in and out in no time.

A couple of quick conversations later and I was on to the third and final (and only *real*) dungeon of the origin. This was where the game slapped me upside the head and informed me that I was an utter fool if I thought the difficulty level would be the same as the PS3 version. That is very much not the case. The PC version is *harder*. Not because of any interface clunkiness, but because the enemies seem a little smarter, hit harder, etc. And later on, there are more of them. I was much more involved in combat this time around, and I got this overwhelming feeling that this was how the Baldurs Gate and KotOR games *should* have been. It was incredible. Combat was fast, frantic, and just plain awesome.

I plowed through the dungeon without much of a problem, came out, had my conversations, watched a couple cutscenes, and joined the Grey Wardens. I did pick a couple of different dialogue options this time through just to see, but nothing really affected anything. Which, since I don’t have any real party members yet, makes sense.

Onward to Ostagar! I tore through the dialogue, and found a quest that I hadn’t run across previously—a guy captured for desertion had a key to a shiny cool chest, but wanted me to get him some food and water before he’d trade it to me. I could have tried to kill him outright, but I decided I wasn’t playing that kind of character this time around. Because I screwed up with my skill allocation I hadn’t picked up a level in Coercion, and I failed to get him his food. Oops. I guess I’ll see about trying that quest next time around with a rogue.

My trek through the woods went well enough, though I did have to reload once. It turns out that in the PC version, letting yourself get sidetracked while the other three members of the party deal with a mob of enemies will start getting people killed. Who’da thunk? Did I mention that the PC version is harder? With more enemies? Yep, this is where it really starts to show. I cleared through the woods well enough, this time conspicuously avoiding the old Grey Warden ruins until I’d finished up my other quests out here. After getting all the side stuff done I went along, met Morrigan and her mother, and returned to camp. Though, not before sprinkling some ashes on some rocks and awakening a demon and having to dispose of it. Yep, something else I hadn’t found last time through. Spiffy.

Like before, I came, I saw, I Joined. The war council was the same, with the same sinking feeling that Loghain was going to turn tail when the beacon was lit. The cutscene of the beginning of the battle once again gave me flashbacks to Lord of the Rings (might have been the totally awesome music), but this time was much prettier. I fought my way to the tower (sustainable abilities, like frost weapon, really can suck up the mana) and went inside.

And promptly got rocked. Repeatedly.

This was the point where the game told me it was serious. That it had shown me how to play and now expected me to put up or shut up. It flattened me. Several times. This was where I learned that just because I had a healing spell didn’t mean that it was actually going to do the job all by itself. I ended up mowing down health packs like a starving denizen of a third-world country, and that finally got me through. The next several rooms were a tad easier, though no less intense, and then I got to another big room, this time with a ballista close by. That I could use. It was awesome. By the end  I was pretty much bowling for party members, but meh. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. I discovered on the PS3 that even with friendly fire off, cone of cold would still freeze allies even if it didn’t damage them. I suppose the knockdown from the ballista would be no different. So I kept firing the bugger with the occasional break to life drain the baddie shooting at me and using health packs on the rest of my team.

I tried to cautiously go room by room, but apparently enemies in this game can open doors, so I was pretty much up against 6+ guys at once at a minimum. But it’s all good. There were many mana-giving corpses on the ground—thankfully all the enemy’s.

When I reached the top of the tower and saw my opponent, my first thought was “wow, that’s a badass looking monster” followed quickly by “he is *so* going to eat me.” He did have a lot of health, and he hit really hard. I ended up not being able to keep the rest of my guys up, usually because he was picking one up and squeezing them repeatedly—which not only hurt them, but also denied them actions so they couldn’t health pack when my heal spell was down. Of particular interest to me, however, was that some of his attacks were manually dodgeable. He’d start to throw a really big rock, and I could run out of the way. He’d charge, and I could dodge. I used this to great effect after he’d broken my other three party members, and managed to take him down with a sliver of health left on my main character. Talk about a tight battle! I love this game.

After the epic boss battle I lit the beacon, watched the cutscene, went “Ah-hah! Called it!” at Loghain’s part in it, and promptly got pincushioned with arrows and landed on my ass. I woke up at Morrigan’s hut, had a lively chat with her and her mother, and am now ready to go to town (literally and figuratively).

And that’s where I stopped for the night. I can’t wait to continue my adventure this evening.

Demon’s Souls Part II – Here There Be Dragons October 9, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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I had intended to get this written up and posted yesterday, but circumstances didn’t play nice.

I beat 1-1 Wednesday night. Phalanx was an awesome boss fight. Not because it was hard or complicated, but because of the mechanics behind it. The creation of little minions that also act as shields, in addition to be stand-alone enemies was sweet.

I also discovered an interesting workaround to the second death thing. If you die, and then die again getting back to your bloodstain, you can turn off the system before you get loaded back to the beginning of the level, and you cancel out the death. So you can load the game back up to get back to your stain. I admit, I used this a couple of times when I didn’t want to lose 5000 souls (which, to me, was a lot at that point in the game).

I stumbled upon a soldier in need, and actually managed to not kill him. Go me! I helped him clear a couple of rooms, and ended up getting some spiffy loot out of it. Luckily the couple times I hit him didn’t bother him too much. I’m starting to miss my rapier already. I also discovered that I can hop walls by using the X button. I saw a corpse with an item on it, but no path to actually get to it. So I eventually just tried hopping a wall above it, and sure enough, it let me hop over. Cool. Got a new ring for my troubles.

The depth of background really wowed me. Seeing the dragons on the cliff over that-a-way while traversing other parts of the area was a sight to behold. And they were animated! I found a message right before the bridge with tons of enemies on it that said to try it later, so I instead took the path that ended me up outside with the dragons. Yay. Damn, but they look good the closer I get to them. I took one look at the pile of smoldering bodies on top of the cliff, and decided to explore the lower path. That did appear to piss off the dragons a bit, but I kept close to the wall and their breath didn’t touch me. Got some nifty loot out of it, too.

Realizing that, while it had some cool scenery, this obviously wasn’t the way to go to progress things, I went back and confronted the bridge with tons of enemies. I had just drawn the first couple of demons towards me when I heard what sounded like a dragon circling. I didn’t think much of it—I assumed it was part of the scenery or something. Then the wing beats got closer, the dragon roared, and I heard the sound of flame blasting out of its gullet. I figured I ought to get the hell out of there, but alas, I didn’t make it in time. Luckily, neither did most of the enemies on that bridge. *cue evil laughter*

Now knowing what to expect, I retrieved my souls (I love shortcuts), patiently waited for the dragon to finish its series of breaths, and sprinted across the bridge (poorly) dodging the few remaining enemies. I had a close call at one point where I got pinned between two demons and the wall, but I managed to barrel dodge roll out of that one. Once I got to the other side I polished off the remaining demons, tempted fate by retrieving some pickups from dead bodies on the bridge, and pulled the lever to open Phalanx’ room.

The rest of the level saw me blasting my way through globs of black…pus…with my soul arrow and arriving back at the beginning of the level before the gaping maw of the Phalanx room. Cool. Then I whooped his gooey core and ported back to the Nexus. That felt epic. I love this game.

I ran around talking to the folks the plot dictated I talk to, and unlocked the ability to level up. Yay! Between the souls I had gathered, and the “usable” souls picked up from random soldiers along the way, I ended up around Soul Level 15. I suppose I ought to start thinking about using souls for weapon upgrades, but I wanted to get my stats in order first. I’m starting to really put a bunch into strength so I can use the purple flame shield I got from the cliff. That seems like a really nifty shield.

After I leveled, and stored my crap, and repaired, I decided to venture into 1-2. This level has so far been uneventful. I blasted some goos with magic, rescued the same dude I rescued in the last level, and almost got toasted by a dragon. So all in a day’s work. I do find it amusing that the dragon will strafe the bridge, but not any of the towers along it (so far, at least). Also, I hate dogs. Not in real life, but in the context of this game. They’re quick, they’re hard to hit, and they hurt. I had to slay a good half dozen of them so far.

I stopped partway through 1-2, in a tower on the wall/bridge/whatever and haven’t progressed any farther yet. This game is still awesome. It took me 3-4 hours to really beat the first level, though that does count time spent screwing around with the system (mmm….dual-wield….), and the time in the tutorial.

Demon’s Souls – Part I: We’re All Gonna Die. Over and Over Again. October 7, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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I found out about Demon’s Souls a month or so ago, and after some research decided that it needed to be on my pre-order list. I had some pretty high expectations for the game from the reviews that I’d read, and I was eagerly awaiting release day. It arrived yesterday from Amazon and I have to say, I’m damn impressed. This game is awesome.

And by awesome, I mean awesomely hard. You will die. A lot. The game knows this, and even plans for it by working in death as an actual mechanic and not just a punishment for screwing up. When you die, you respawn at the beginning of the level you died in. If you manage to make it back to the spot you died at without dying again, you get back everything you lost when you died—orbs, max health levels, etc. If you die again, well, you’re screwed because the previous blood spot you made will be gone, replaced with one where you most recently died. So don’t die twice in a row.

The premise of the game is simple: there’s a kingdom in peril, there’s fog, and there’s monsters. Kill the monsters, drive back the fog, save the world. It’s all very basic, but that’s fine. Demon’s Souls harkens back to the days of yore when gameplay was king and stories were there as a backdrop to justify the actions taking place. And the gameplay is goo. And hard. Demon’s Souls is one of the only games I know of where it’s easy to die in the tutorial level. I mean besides the part at the end where the story says you die.

I booted up the game and planned to make dinner while the install was happening. Right. Bad idea. There’s no install. You get to watch a pretty awesome video, then you get the title screen. Then you go. The first thing the game had me do was create my character. I got to chose gender (two options) and class (lots of options). I picked Royalty because I heard that they get to stab and frag. Swords and magic sounded like a good combo to me.

In addition to class and gender, I got to customize lots of physical characteristics. There’s a basic mode where I could just choose between some preset faces, hair styles, and such, but there’s also a more advanced mode where I can select anything from the profile of the chin to the curvature of the cheekbones. The changes are subtle, but they still provide ample customization.

After I made my character, a blond-haired blue-eyed rapier-wielding magic-slinging dude named Vahn, I was taken to the tutorial level. My first thought was “damn, the game looks great.” My second thought was wow, that animation is fluid.” My third thought was “okay, I really ought to get on with it now.” So I got on with it. I came across some glowing red script on the ground, which turned out to be a message. In the tutorial, these are system messages teaching me the controls. In the game proper, these can be left by other players. More on that later.

The tutorial level walked me through various combat and item usage commands, and almost killed me several times. Which would have been embarrassing, but this is Demon’s Souls. Death is expected. I also saw some phantoms of other players running around, which was at once both cool and freaky. Combat is very solid, by the way. Guarding is done with the left trigger, and attacking with the right. L2 is a shield deflection which, if timed correctly can be followed up with a normal attack for an instant kill. R2 is a heavy attack. There’s also an option to grip a weapon in two hands, but I didn’t notice much use for this with my rapier. I assume that bigger weapons will get much more mileage out of this feature.

After the tutorial level, and my rather inglorious death, I was taken to a nexus area. There were some NPCs to talk to, including a blacksmith that had some other weapons and armor for sale. He also offered to upgrade my existing stuff, but I didn’t have nearly enough souls by this point to do anything with them. I also found a bank character, though I didn’t have any excess crap to toss in at the time. It’s good to know one exists, though, as the game does have an encumbrance system.

I explored the place some more, watched some amusing deaths, read some messages, and found the warps to the game’s levels, which I appear to be able to approach in any order. I remembered seeing some footage of a level with some castle ramparts, so I went ahead and picked the level at the bottom of the steps next to some guy.

So I launched into Boletaria and watched a big-ass dragon swoop down and eat some random soldier. That’s when I knew this game was going to be epic. After the first couple of enemies nearly had their way with me, I remembered that I had a lock on function. That made things significantly easier. I have to say, I love the rapier. It’s quick, has a decent range, and doesn’t have much recovery time.

There weren’t very many notable moments (or maybe there were, depending on your point of view). I died a lot. Some of the messages left by other players were pretty useful. Others, not so much. I ran into a few that told me to look out behind me, but most of those were either in a bad spot for me to actually figure out where “behind me” was, or they were placed just a touch too late. But I’m glad they tried. There were some that warned of traps and ambushes, for which I am grateful (and marked those messages up to show my gratitude). The Indiana Jones moment with the huge stone ball rolling down the stairs was pretty cool.

One issue I have with the messaging system is that it consists merely of canned messages, some of which allow you to insert words or phrases. Unfortunately, they’re not very customizable, so the boulder message was just “trap ahead” and not something along the lines of “giant boulder rolling down the stairs ahead.” But I suppose that added to the mystique, and if the things got too verbose they’d be more akin to having the game played for me. It’s more fun when I know something is coming, but have to figure out exactly what. On the other hand, I tried to leave a message about standing on one side of a wooden machine and blasting a boss-like enemy from there, and I had to adlib it. I don’t even remember what my message said exactly, but it was a tad arcane for the situation.

Another thing I learned from Demon’s Souls: glowing eyes are BAD THINGS. They appear to denote stronger than normal enemies. If you’re thinking that if they’re stronger than normal, they’d have to be able to kill me in one go, you’d be right. Here’s an example. I came up a flight of stairs and onto a rampart. I killed the normal enemies fairly handily with my magic (I love my magic). Then I saw this thing with blue glowing eyes standing in front of a fog portal. I approach it, and it takes off half my health. I dodge out of the way, blast it with magic a few times, and done. This is the thing I tried to place the message on. It’s much easier to take out from a distance.

At this point the rampart is clear, and I discover that I have a couple of options for where I can go. There are towers at either end of the rampart, and there’s the fog portal. I picked one tower and went that way. I went through the room, read a message that said, quite succinctly, “goodbye,” and came out on another rampart with an enemy that looked like the overly strong creature I killed by the fog portal, but this one had red eyes. Well, I beat Blue Eyes, so Red Eyes shouldn’t be too bad, right? Yeah, about that. It turns out that this one has a spear, and a multi-thrust combo that can easily one-shot me. Needless to say, I became a puddle of blood on the ground.

I respawned at the beginning of the level and made it back to that rampart. I expected my bloodspot to be right outside the door, where I actually died. Instead, it’s right where I aggroed the monster. Greeaaaat. So I grab the blood spot and aggro the demon. And proceed to run like hell. I clear the room and start running along the rampart I came up, and I hear the thing still behind me. Which freaks me out a bit because so far nothing has chased me all that far. I make a beeline for the fog portal because I figure that the thing can’t follow me inside. Yeah, about that. It definitely followed me inside. I ran down some steps, and it started coming down after me. So I started blasting it with magic. It made it to the bottom of the steps, and I had it one hit away from death. So I stand there and start casting, and the bloody demon lunges at me from much farther away than I had any idea it could. Yep, death for me. But at least I know I can technically kill the thing, and I have a decent idea as to how such a feat can be accomplished.

I respawned as normal, and got killed by the second group of enemies in the level. It turns out that, while my Vahn is more than capable of utilizing a downward thrust to destroy barrels, crates, and other inanimate objects, he spontaneously forgets that skill when trying to attack an enemy a couple of steps below him on a staircase. Lovely.  In an effort to save my bloodstain with 2000-odd souls, I killed the game before it could reload. We’ll see what I end up with when I fire it up next, which will likely be tonight.

So far, Demon’s Souls forces the player to know what’s coming, while at the same time giving the enemies enough of an AI that they don’t always act the exact same way every time. So even if you already know an area, you still have to be on your toes. It’s a pretty solid approach to game design, and works well here. It also serves to make restarting a level a bunch of times not so much of a chore.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – Part VII: Once More, With Feeling September 30, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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I started up my New Game+ last night. I once again was stuck with the same initial four as the first time, but that wasn’t terribly unexpected. Boy, are the enemies tougher now! Not “tougher” as in more difficult, but in that they do way more damage and have way more health. I got through the entirety of Latveria only quitting and restarting once (I wanted credit towards the no revival/map reload trophy), and that was on the last map. The bosses so far haven’t been too bad; it’s been the mobs of enemies that are the real killer. I used the Femme Fatales to clear the final Latveria map, and I can safely say I won’t be doing that again. Only clearing fusions, mediocre damage, and limited survivability are not a good combination on Legendary. The Tinkerer bot fight pretty much was reduced to standing back and zapping the legs, popping a clearing fusion every so often to clear out the little enemies and get a health token, and repeating ad infinitum.

Other than that, I played with the New Avengers on a rerun of the first level to pick up the dossier that I apparently kept managing to miss somehow. Luke Cage does not take much damage. At all. And he has a nice Targeted fusion with Spider-Man. Cool. I haven’t messed around with the other “teams” yet, but I have reached the conclusion that any team with Thor, a targeted fusion, and a clearing fusion is made of awesome and win. And really, the two fusions are optional. I know I said before that I didn’t really get what was so awesome about the guy, but man, does he ever shine on Legendary. His X power torpedoes him through mobs of enemies, pretty much flattening anything in his way. His hammer smash is solid damage with a small aoe. And his circle power is pretty sweet, as well. I haven’t had much use for his triangle power, though.

So, my team. Thor is definitely in. The AI tends to use both Storm and Invisible Woman effectively, though Storm moreso. So Storm is in, too. Her ridiculous damage immunities also help. I’m thinking of taking Hulk for a big, nigh invulnerable bruiser, and I never really gave him much play my first time through. Plus he needs to take down a couple of bosses later in the game anyway. I’m still leaning towards Songbird as my fourth, partly because she has some great potential, and partly because I already used Jean a ton my first time through. Of course, things may change when I see what I have for fusion types with this roster. The AI also seemed to do pretty well with Nick Fury.

I’ve gotten all the pickups from Latveria now, and it’s pretty cool how the bosses drop new boosts on Legendary. I haven’t gone back through any of the simulator challenge missions yet, and I’ll probably wait on that until I’ve gotten farther through the game and leveled up more, anyway. I’ve been racking up the Diplomatic responses, and I’ll probably get those boosts unlocked around Act II. Then it’s just on to Defensive. Which I *might* be able to do this time through as well. Maybe. It will probably be pretty tight. I’ll have to make sure I get the special conversations, too. Oh, and I need to knock out the Act I trivia game yet, too. I’ll probably use a second controller and cheat the fusion bonuses on it this time.

I finally got around to ordering a wireless earpiece/microphone from Amazon, and it arrived yesterday. I charged it up, so I’ll have to see about taking MUA2 (and other games…like Gundam 0081…) online at some point. I’m actually strangely excited at being able to play PS3 games online now (my internet connection is *much* more reliable at my new place than it was at my old one) and being able to communicate with the people I’m playing with. Should make for some fun times.

Star Ocean: First Departure – Part II: Through Purgatory September 29, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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And so it continues. I played some more Star Ocean last night. I finished the stuff in Astral. I REALLY like Phia. She’s rather okay in combat, but her personality amuses me. Not nearly as much as Ilia amuses me, though. That woman is hilarious. Especially her comment about Roddick being whipped. Wow.

Anyway, I undertook the (optional?) quest to go retrieve an item from Purgatorium. You know, that place I ground waaay too many levels out at earlier. Of course, I wasn’t using this mysterious super-secret-entrance thing, so I had to stumble around a bit until I found it. I was expecting a cave-like thing on the world map, but there wasn’t any indicator of where it might be. I just zoned into the secret entrance area when I got close enough. Interesting.

I met up with Ioshua (awesome name, by the way) and ran through the dungeon with him. The teleporting colored blobs were cool, and the hints were suitably mysterious, yet easily decipherable and helpful! Though, the big multi-tiered room was really, really annoying. I kept accidentally running into the wrong color of puyo and getting sent where I didn’t want to go. I came out a couple hundred skill points ahead thanks to random pickups in bundles of 50 SP.

The phantom hounds at toward the end weren’t very difficult, and now I’m really starting to regret having taken the time to play around with the crafting. I am so overleveled (my main three are around level 30+ now), and Roddick is so insanely powerful the game has no challenge. I assume things will even out eventually, but for the moment it’s all pretty meh. Everyone has Determination maxed, Ilia maxed Appraisal, and Roddick is working on finishing up Crafting. I don’t remember if I maxed that with him or not.

Ioshua has Trance (or whatever skill it is that reduces lag time between spell casts) up to level…9…I believe, and is proving to be mostly useless. I just don’t get hurt enough to make him need to heal, and I’m still leery of allowing the AI to spam skills/spells all the time, as they invariably burn everything on random encounters as soon as humanly possible. I really wish there was some middle ground between “kill the crap out of everything” and “don’t use anything shiny.” The “spread out and attack” tactic is okay, but meh.

The conversation at the end of Purgatorium was pretty amusing, as was the cutscene back in Astral. I loved the personalities of the Three Graces, and Phia is developing well also. The plot is certainly thickening. I did end up requesting Ioshua to join me. It’s another party member, and he might actually be useful later. Maybe. Or something. Now it’s onward to Silvalant, with possibly even more skills. And stuff. Next time through I’m definitely going to hold off on the power leveling crafting thing. I didn’t realize that I could abuse item creation to get THIS overpowered so early in the game.

I finally feel like I’m getting used to the battle system. I’ve played a decent amount of Tales games, which have a similar yet different system (and one that I still like better), but even so it still took me a bit to wrap my head around this one. I think my initial issue was that I was using Semi-Auto instead of Auto, which required more menu management and made targeting clunky in comparison to the combat system as a whole. Auto is definitely the way to go with this one.

Star Ocean: First Departure – Part I: Behold the Power of Art! September 28, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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Star Ocean is another one of those games I started a while back and never really played too far into. Yes, yet another victim of gaming ADD. This weekend I sat down to watch a football game, as I usually do on weekends during this sports season, and plugged in Dissidia. Which was cool. But then I got Dissidia’d out, so I had to find something else to play. It’s a curse—I apparently can’t sit down to watch a sporting event on TV without having something else to do as well. I was contemplating the new Persona, which is sitting next to my chair, but instead opted to rescue the PSP version of the first Star Ocean from the bowels of my backlog.

I started where I had left off, which was apparently in the middle of a pirate hideout. I vaguely remembered some instruction or other along the lines of “kill the pirates, get the boat” so, being all about wooden floaty things, I proceeded to massacre every last pirate I could find. I know I skipped some branching paths in the place, but I was running so low on resources that I really didn’t care. Unfortunately, it seems that I can’t go back anymore to retrieve what I missed. Oh, well. Also, I have Cyuss.

After beating up the big, burly men, looting their loot, and rescuing some mysterious girl, I returned to port. The girl ran off without even giving her name (typical) and dropped her ocarina, which I picked up. I smell sidequest later. Possibly even a recruitable character. I poked my head around town, but didn’t find her, so I apparently can’t get her now. Oh, well. I’ll just hang onto that ocarina for a while.

I took my free ride by boat to the kingdom of Astral, and wandered around the continent, occasionally getting lost by not following the road, and eventually ended up in Tatroi. I wandered around town for a bit and found the ferry to take to the city of Astral, though I decided to wait on that. Instead I left town and poked around the rest of the continent. I found another city, Tropp, but there wasn’t much of interest there. I also found a cave that led to a place called Purgatorium, and I ended up doing some serious leveling there. 400-800 exp per person per battle was amazing for me at that point in the game.

Everyone in my party (that’d be Roddick, Ilia, and Cyuss) gained a massive number of levels, and with them SP. I had already started Cyuss on the path of the Chef earlier, so I finished him out on that. Dang, level 10 Knife is expensive! After that I started popping points into Determination.

Roddick spent his time working on Determination, Godspeed, and whatever else I felt like. At the moment he has 8 levels of Crafting, but other than that it’s a pretty schizophrenic skill build.

And then there was Ilia. I had her working on Art, and was able to max that out for her. This being a Tri-Ace game, I periodically take breaks to see what kinds of cool stuff my folks can make. I’ll usually save the game, but a bunch of ingredients and go craft. If I don’t like what I see, I’ll reload and craft again. This way I get a feel for what each character is liable to make me with the skills they have and with the levels they are at. I figured that with Art I’d be able make some cool stuff that would be a little ahead of where I was at at the time, but I was rather unprepared for what I actually got.

At first, I popped a couple of Jack-in-the-Boxes. Generally those resulted in junk, or a random battle that killed me quickly and messily. I kept reloading and retrying, and then I got a Goody Box. Oh, dear. I saved and opened that a few times, and ended up with a Sword of Marvels. Helllloooooo, overpowered Roddick! Coupled with the Ring of Might and Berserker ring he made from crafting random crap I had lying around, he now hits for 3500-4000 when everyone else is hitting for 200-ish. And heaven forbid he gets a Power Surge. I ran him through the Rank C arena fights and got the Omega SFT skill, which I promptly maxed with him. And in my next battle I promptly learned Omega Double Slash. That one hits for 7000-8000 per hit. Yowza! I didn’t bother going any further in the arena, or working on breaking things with any of the other characters because I’d been at it for a while and, well, one broken character really is enough for me right now. Though I did get an Arbalest out of one of my last jack-in-the-Boxes and am now awaiting someone who can actually use it.

I went back to Tatroi and took the ferry to Astral city. Phia appears to be rather amusing. When she’s not killing people. And sometimes even when she is. Oh, wait, it’s not really Phia. It’s really some spider demon chick things. Ewwww. Must squash like bug! Or arachnid! *puts on J. Jonah Jameson mustache*

I followed the demonic spider lady into the cave between Astral and Tatroi, and went pretty much all the way through it. I found the boss fight before I had finished exploring the cave so I reloaded to the save point right before her. I finished exploring, and ended up finding the way back to the beginning of the tunnel. The game was over at that point, so I healed up at the statue, saved at the save point right there, and quit for the night. I’ll run back through the tunnel and squash spider chick later. Possibly tonight.

And yes, I’ll likely be getting back to the Legendary run-through of MUA2 later this week. When football’s not on.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – Part VI: The Highest Platform of the Tallest Spire September 25, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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Well, I beat MUA2 on Heroic. I was moderately surprised that the last Act was one big stream of maps; there was no brief intermission back at the HQ. I was around level 31, and finished with a team of Storm, Jean, Gambit, and Wolverine. The FBS was doing ~1800-ish to bosses. Sweet. The final boss has a few tricks, though the game tells you, rather insistently, how to get around them, so that’s not a big deal. He does toss out a lot of difficult to avoid damage, though. There were plenty of healing tokens around, though, and Phoenix had a couple of timely resurrections on the way to him, though. I wonder if a Phoenix revival via her ability constitutes a revival for the purposes of the trophy. Hmm. Not that it really matters since I’ll likely not be using her this playthrough.

I did run through a couple of previous maps to try and get the “Lead team xxx for a whole map” heroic deeds, but it didn’t work for either Luke Cage or Captain America. Which is weird because I DID get it last night for Reed and the Fantastic Four. No idea what’s going on there. I’ll just pick it up on Legendary, I guess.

The ending was short and sweet. I was expecting something a bit more, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what. The conversation during the credits was hilarious.

I saved my game and went to the next mission console to start a new game + on Legendary. I was hoping I would be able to swap characters around from the get-go this time, but I’m still locked into a preset team initially like a normal new game. I did notice, however, that the Anti-Reg abilities are still unlocked. I’ll have to see if they stay that way after I choose a side, but I suspect they will. Which means that on this palythrough everyone will have access to all their abilities, and not just their faction-specific and universal ones.

So far the big difference is that things have a lot more health, and hit harder. So pretty much just as expected. I saved right at the beginning of the map so I can cheat the system if I end up in a revival position. I can just quit and reload my save without it counting as a reload of the map. Yay. Since there’s very little leeway if one wants the 25 maps with no revival or reload trophy, and the rumor is circulating that I won’t be able to retry a level via the simulator if I need to and have it count for the trophy, I figure this is a decent way to go about it. Though I suspect that I’ll be replaying levels as much as I need to get all the pickups before moving on to the next one. That should also help boost my levels, as I anticipate the bosses being a pain.

I’m not sure who I’m going to focus on as my main team this time around. I’m leaning towards Nick Fury, Thor, and Songbird, but I don’t have a definite plan for the final spot. There will likely be some switching so I can get some stats stuff out of the way, but I want to have a solid core again.

Anyway, that’s enough MUA for now. Time to watch some football and catch up on the month or so of comics I’ve been behind since I moved.

Marvel Utimate Alliance 2 – Part V: The Daily Grind September 24, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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I didn’t get much done tonight. All I did was go into the Basic Training sim and work on unlocking costumes and boosts. All of the Anti-Reg specific requirements are done now, so I can either play through Act 4 and just try to pick them up in Legendary, or get everything out of the way I can right now. There are a couple of things I want to figure out as far as how things count, so I’ll probably run back through a couple of missions with some specific teams and see what happens. Other than that, though, I don’t think I want to grind any further. I’ll have plenty to do on Legendary regardless.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – Part IV: Resistance is Futile September 24, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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Warning: Here there be SPOILERS. Highlight the blank sections to see them if you so choose.

I hit Act 4 last night. Act 3 seemed pretty short, at least compared to Acts 1 and 2. I suppose the game wanted to get past the part where you don’t have access to everyone fairly quickly. Even so, the Civil War arc was very well done, and segued nicely into Act 4. Maybe my memory’s a bit foggy, but MUA2 seems to have a much tighter, better-flowing story than the first game.

The run through Prison 42 was fun. Lots of mayhem and bad guys to destroy. Also, there was a fair amount of environment-induced damage, like electrified floor panels. And wall panels. These annoying things don’t just hurt you when you run over them. They stun you and zap you for a few seconds before you can move again. Getting knocked into the middle of one or more of these sucks hard. It’s a good thing the bad guys are usually also affected by them.

Speaking of bad guys, there were actually a fair number of not robots! And just when I was thinking I could finally tag Iceman back in for a map, robots showed up! Well played, game, well played. Instead I looked at the stats pages for my individual characters, and decided to bring in Storm and Wolverine to run with Gambit and Jean. This got me the X-Men team bonus and let me work on knocking out some Heroic Deeds. I was thinking that when the game mentions performing 10 Fastball Specials with Wolverine, I’d need to team him up with Hulk or something. Not so—Jean works just fine as a partner.  So I was able to knock out Jean’s 5 Fusions with Wolverine deed as well as Wolvie’s 10 Fastball Specials deed. I had to be controlling the character I wanted it to count for, though. As a side note, I’m consistently hitting 1400+ damage with a Wolvie/Jean Fusion right now on bosses. It’s pretty awesome.

I also finally unlocked Thor, who was the last of the token collection characters I needed. I know everyone is raving about him being ridiculously overpowered online, but I haven’t figured him out yet. I’ll have to spend more time with him, I guess. I’m going to be revisiting lots of levels for pick-ups, so I’ll probably toy around with him and all the other characters I haven’t really been using when I start hitting the simulator. My side goal there is to work on the Heroic Deeds for all the Anti-Reg heroes, too.

The game is starting to throw more multi-character boss battles at me. The last solo boss I had to fight was somewhere along the halfway point in 42. Pretty much every boss battle since has included at least two bosses and a horde of enemies. The Fastball Special makes taking down the bosses easy enough, when one doesn’t go invulnerable and switch the other one in for a time, at least.

The last boss fight before unlocking Black Panther’s palace as an HQ took me a bit to figure out how to actually beat it. Venom kept randomly popping in from above, and I was generally fighting around the perimeter of the room, so I didn’t see him hanging onto a pillar. Once I finally noticed that, I was able to knock him down and proceed to stomp his symbiotic arse. He did go back to the pillars a couple more times, but once I knew what to do the battle as a whole was fairly simple.

I’ll probably hit up the trivia game and finish up the available past levels in the simulator before continuing the story. I want to try out some other characters, and finish out the rest of the pick-ups. I assume that I’ll be back in the HQ at least once before finishing the game, but I don’t want to take too many chances. Of course, I’d also expect that the game will pop me back here after the final mission to mess around and start my New Game Plus. Hmm. Maybe I’ll just cruise through the rest of the game and worry about the rest later. I need to run a bunch of stuff on Legendary anyway to get the rest of the unlocks.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – Part III: Holy Crap, a Lighted Environment! September 22, 2009

Posted by emeraldsuzaku in Blog-along, Video Games.
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More MUA 2 goodness. I finished out Act 2 today. This post (and likely subsequent posts) contain spoilers up to the point of the game I am at. That was one hell of a ride. I love how the game takes the Civil War story and twist it around to serve the game’s own devices. it’s also worth noting that the environments I played through tonight actually had decent lighting! Woo!

My party was Jean Grey, Ms. Marvel, Gambit, and Captain America. After Cap got yanked for story reasons, I popped Deadpool in there. I don’t really do much with him other than let him run around slashing, shooting, and exploding things. It seems to make him happy. Gambit tosses cards everywhere and generally wreaks havoc. And gives me a chance at more orbs. Go Cajun.

Jean is developing into quite the force to be reckoned with. Cranking up her cone flame wave and TK pull attacks (square and X respectively) is proving to be pips well spent. TK is doing some decent single-target boss damage, and flame wave is rocking crowds of enemies. Stunning with her aoe Circle power and then unleashing a series of flame waves clears out just about anything–either by outright destroying it or knocking it off a ledge. Consequently, her Fusion with Gambit is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread. It absolutely destroys any large mobs of enemies, destructible environments, and bosses. That it does multiple hits and has a decently long duration is awesome enough, but the bloody thing can be MOVED like a targettable Fusion! Oh, and it also sucks in normal enemies. Kinetic tornado FTW!

Gambit did gets some hands-on use during a rather tense battle with Yellowjacket. His quick tap card toss power was good at attacking the hands after dodging the initial strike. As the battle wound down I switched over to Jean and finished up with some flame waving and kinetic tornadoing. After that battle I’m pretty much locked into Jean–and the Jean/Gambit combo on bosses.

Other than that battle, the rest of Act 2 was basically me running around and beating the crap out of everything in site. The other bosses fell to either kinetic tornado spam or just me standing back with Jean and firing away with her TK beam or her flame wave. Even the last fight of the act wasn’t much of an issue.

Now I’m in the Act 3 HQ. I’ve picked up all the pickups in the place, and I’ll probably do the trivia questions for the act before starting on the missions. I’ve been doing pretty well with character unlock pickups throughout the game, but I’m still one Asgardian rune short of a thunder god. I suspect that one I get him, assuming everything I’ve heard about his abilities is true, he’ll have a permanent spot in my lineup. Songbird is unlocked, but unavauilable at the moment. I’m also looking forward to taking her for a spin. I’ll probably wait to go back through previous missions for unlocks until after my next time through the game (taking the other path). Unless I just can’t manage to get Thor unlocked through the course of normal play. In that case, I’ll go back for the runes.